…becoming irresistably

desirable and pursueable…



Welcome! I am Robyn Renée. Inner Sanctum Retreat is my proposal to couples who dare to prioritize their relational and sexual fulfillment, and who hold a high regard for both the masculine & the feminine. This intimate space beckons couples to be still, relax and relate authentically to one another, while enjoying passion, pleasure & play as friends and lovers.

Ensconced in beauty and rejuvenation, we explore common issues and struggles, such as the need for autonomy and closeness, barriers to emotional & sexual intimacy, and differentiation—with focus on what truly works in love relationships. This begins with understanding what lies ‘beneath and between’ couples and how to craft the relationship you have longed to have and to hold.

Into-Me-See (a way of expressing intimacy) can be intoxicating and terrifying at the same time. Having a quality connection and being ‘light and free’ together eludes most couples who experience impasse vs freedom and frustration vs forgiveness.

In this approach, men and women are invited to:

  1. Rise up (no matter what) to the best in you

  2. Surrender tightly held barriers to intimacy

  3. Deal with emotional/sexual struggles

  4. Assume full responsibility for one’s own success, happiness and well-being.

When this occurs, something magical happens! Couples thrive (not just survive). This inspires one another to connect with your essential nature and become the best version of yourself.


Inner Sanctum promotes the integration of relational , sexual & spiritual intimacy in couples. The depth and diversity in how this is expressed is enriched through various activities together and apart. Novice lovers as well as mature lovers (seeking mastery in their embodied presence), will be led into deeper awareness of one’s self and your Beloved throughout this inter-sensory experience. The Third Entity (marriage or partnership) will be fortified with a Nourish to Flourish Protocol. This is designed with YOU in mind!

emotional - embodies arousal of the nervous system, affective aspects of consciousness (emotional states), instinctive or intuitive feelings--all in connection to self and others

sexual - relating to the instincts, bodily responses, mental processes (erotic mind, imagination, anticipation, intention); activities connected with attraction, desire, arousal, both within and outside of intimate physical contact between individuals

spiritual - relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things; incorporating values, beliefs, comfort, reflection, integrity, ethics, and awe into spiritual practice, discipline, and commitment; expressed beliefs and purpose in action: altruism, reconciliation, private meditation and prayer, corporate worship and community service, investing in loving and serving others, caring for marginalized populations—Traditionally, aimed at recovering the original soul-shape of man/woman oriented towards the image and goodness of God. In summary, loving thy neighbor as thy self.

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Personal Note: It is my utmost privilege and purpose to engage couples in this exquisitely unique awakening of emotional-relational-sexual-spiritual maturity, in a manner that is tastefully designed, intricately inspired, practical and so delightful. Voila!